Sunday, August 4, 2013

George Chan, Animal Handler.

"I am the dog whisperer.  Except I don't whisper.  I tell them to behave or I'll eat them.  Ever heard of Beagle Bites?"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Texts from George

Monday (1:06pm): Wudup      yall?

Tuesday (1:09pm):   Hooooiiii      ebody.

Wednesday (1:07pm):  Hoivay!!!          Getting hot.  Like me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home Bound George

George: Hoivay!-------I'm--------- bored
RFC: Mom said you were. Radar not hanging with you?
George: Radar is gay.

[George recently had surgery on his knee and cannot put weight on it for five weeks. This is week one. Radar is the dog/ the only child left in the nest.]

Monday, March 19, 2012

Etymology with George

G: I have a question for you.
BFC: What?
G: What is the plural of 'radius'?
BFC: Radii?
G: Okay. What is the plural of 'circus'?
BFC: Circuses?
G: Why is that? Why not 'circii'?
BFC: I don't know.
G: Well what about platypus? Octopus? Abacus? Why does it change? I'm going to make a list of all the words that end in 'us' and what their plural is.
BFC: I gotta go, Dad.